Elixore- Alphatic diluents dedicated to hydrometallurgy (SW-EW)
Metal extraction diluents
Considering both environmental responsibility and cost efficiency, hydrometallurgy is the preferred route for extracting metals from ores and other sources.
The ELIXORE range offers a comprehensive choice of perfectly inert, colorless and odorless diluents with ultra-low aromatic content.
Key features
- High flashpoint
- Narrow distillation range
- Low viscosity
- Low pour points
- Ultra low aromatic contents
Each product is tailored to provide the optimal balance between desired level of efficacy (viscosity) and necessary level of operator safety (high flashpoint).
Thus, ensuring optimal performance in terms of operator safety, process efficacy and reliability.
Their outstanding properties make them prime choice diluents in SOLVENT EXTRACTION (SX-EW) of valuable and sensitive metals such as Copper, Zinc, Cobalt, Nickel, Uranium, Rare Earth Metals and Lithium (new).
Key benefits
Environment Friendly
Unmatched Health Benefits
Less Evaporation Loss
Less Crud Formation
The Elixore range matches classical aromatic diluents in terms of performance while they exceed significantly in other aspects such as health, safety, evaporation losses and product degradation. This can enormously impact the total cost of ownership (TCO) leading to up to 20% of savings annually.
For more, check out the product page on TotalEnergies special fluids website